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Studio Cityy ProFiLe

fined according to pre-determined rates. The the region. He pointed out that the shortage
JV did not pocket the safety fund but used of building professionals will hinder the
the fund as incentives, promotion and charity advancement of Macaus construction
purposes. At the same time, the JV worked industry. The main problem is the lack of
closely with the Macau Labour Affairs Bureau proper training. For example, there is still no
to organize site safety seminars for workers. formal training course of quantity surveying
Experience sharing of work site injuries by in Macau. In view of this, Mr Keung, as the
workers who suffered before also proved to Regional Chairman of the Chartered Institution
be very effective to increase the awareness of of Civil Engineering Surveyors, introduced the
work safety. QS profession to the six Macau Construction
In order to maintain an efficient and Trade Associations. Through his professional
well organized work site, large size pre- networks and with the support of University
fabricated concrete slabs (1x1m) were used of Macau, Mr. Keung offered advice to the
as temporary road pavers in the muddy site. Trade Associations in the introduction of
This method proved to be very successful elementary QS training courses for the local
especially during the rainy seasons. Normal practitioners. Moreover, he is devoted to share
vehicular traffic could be maintained safely his knowledge with the locals on contract
even under adverse conditions. The concrete management and project management during
pavers also can be reused in other sites. his spare time.
High and very high density gypsum block Finally, Mr Keung is happy to see the
wall panels were used to replace traditional increasing number of candidates joining
drywall plastering and wet work. It is able the various courses over the years. This is a
to reduce construction waste and to provide solid proof that the local people are eager
a safe working environment. Moreover, the to learn and looking for advancement in the
selection of recyclable material, LED lighting construction field.
and reusable products, all contribute to a
more sustainable construction process.
O n a n a v e r a g e d a y , t h e r e w e r e
approximately 8,000 workers working at
the site and some 10,000 workers per day
were not unusual at the peak of construction.
Managing such a large workforce was a
challenge, especially when most of the
workers were from different places with
different habits and cultures. Mr Keung
said, most of the non-skilled workers were
from the Mainland, while the local and
Hong Kong people took up the middle
level management posts. All workers were
provided with safety training and applied for
the safety card once after they were hired.
After working in Macau for the past 3
years, Mr Keung expressed his enthusiasm in

Building Journal 47
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