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July 3, 2012

Lam Tsuen Valley sewerage works set

The Government has approved a scheme that will provide a public sewerage system for collecting and conveying sewage from five villages in Tai Po's Lam Tsuen Valley. The notice for the Tai Po Lam Tsuen Valley sewerage works was published in the Gazette.
     The scheme will collect and convey sewage from five villages - She Shan, San Tong, Wo Liu, Chai Kek and Ng Tung Chai - for proper treatment and disposal. It will help improve the hygiene conditions in the area and reduce the amount of pollutants flowing into the Lam Tsuen River and Tolo Harbour.
     The works are scheduled to start in late 2012 together with other sewerage schemes in Lam Tsuen Valley and are expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

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