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July 3, 2012

Laws curb illegal asbestos removal

Laws and penalties are having a real deterrent effect on building owners and people engaged in illegal asbestos abatement works, Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau says.
     In reply to a lawmaker's query in the Legislative Council on June 20, he said the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) had conducted 4,024 site inspections from 2007 to 2011, targeting asbestos abatement works to ensure the procedures and installations fully comply with requirements under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance.
     It had instituted action against breaches, with 125 convictions in 2007, 86 in 2008, 68 in 2009, 54 in 2010, and 48 in 2011.
     Those who carry out asbestos abatement work without prior written notice to the department, or who do not engage a registered asbestos contractor may be liable to a maximum fine of $200,00 and six months in prison. In the past five years, the maximum fines for convictions were $20,000 and the average fine $3,500, he said.
     The department will step up enforcement action and public education, Mr Yau added. It has widely distributed a pamphlet on the requirements for clearing asbestos which is available on its website.
     People with complaints about potential non-compliant asbestos removal works can call the department's hotline, 2838 3111.