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December 18, 2018    
Using BIM for Construction QA/QC
The Construction industry’s lukewarm reception towards technology is a challenge that is well documented, and one that has held the market back from its full potential over the last couple of decades. According to KPMG’s Global Construction Survey 1, where over 200 major project owners and contractors rated themselves on technology adoption, only 8% of these companies emerged as “cutting-edge visionaries”.
     While this minority group adeptly made use of various solutions such as project management information systems (PMIS), automated digital workflows, data and analytics, and Building Information Modeling (BIM), most others have remained conservative, choosing to rely on ‘tested and proven’ methods of project management. Often, companies cite lack of certainty in reaping the full benefits of new technology, vis-à-vis the costs and risks involved. For some others, it is the mere reluctance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone that hinders innovation.
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